Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Beware of XCopper : I got milked out of ignorance

Excerpt of a letter for posting
From Marcial B
Ontario, Canada

"February 13, 2008

Dear Armando,

I am glad you finally opened your blog and I know your cause is a noble one indeed.
Here is my actual experience with XCopper, a Canadian company that advertise services in assisiting people with Traffic Tickets. You might have heard about them. They tell "You Win or Its Free"

Up to now, I am still haunted by my sad experiencxe with this XCopper back in 2001 when I was new in Canada.

As a new immigrant of Canada, I was so impressed with the quality of service in this country specially in matters involving service to the people. Things seemed so systematic that I had so much trust on it. Being that, I kept my Car insurance certificate, my car registration certificates and other important documents in my suitcase that I bring everyday instead of leaving it inside the car. Im still fearful that my car might get stolen and all the important papers go with it.

I thought, if ever a police would want to check, they could just run their computer file and see eveything about me and my car. My mistake, I was so confident and trusting that I didnt see the importance of maintaining a duplicate copy inside my car just like what we do in the country where I came from.

Unfortinately, one day or barely 3 months after I started driving, I got 3 traffic tickets at the same time: One for alledged failure to stop for a school bus, another 1 for not bringing car insurance certificate and another 1 for not bringing car registration certificate. I was just a few blocks away from my house and requested the police to just let me get the documents in my suitcase at home.

The police very politely told me that that would not be necessary. He knew I am a new driver with clean record so I only need to visit an office, bring my documents and explain what happened. Little did I know that the place I need to report to was a Traffic Court. When I went there, I was asked to fill-up a form and then was later told to come back in about 8 months for a hearing.

I was so scared about court thing, perhaps brought about by my impressions about court cases in my home country. Finally, I saw this ad about XCopper who could help people with traffic ticket problems.

I know I am not guilty of anything. Even that for the alleged failure to stop for a school bus I believed, was defensible. Thinking that I need an expert to defend me of my 3 cases, I finally went to an office of this XCopper in Toronto.

I told them I need their services to help and defend me in the traffic violation hearing scheduled in about 2 weeks from that time/ They gladly accepted. We discussed the winning scenario and told me about the rate that they will charge:

The traffic tickets I got had fines totalling I think about $900. ( Hope I can remember it right). I guess it was like $600 for the school bus, and $ 150 each for car registration and insurance.

XCopper charged me $800 for the services, assuring me that for the car registration and insurance tickets, we will win. For the school bus, we might not totally win but at least we could look forward to a reduction in fines and in the demerit points from 7 to 4 which was more important for insurance purposes.

I asked the office -incharge as to who will handle the case so I could tell him/her what happened. I was thinking that It was very important in defending my case. I was told that a guy by the name of Ian will be meeting me then. I asked when, and was told that he will meet me on the day of the hearing and he already knew what to do. To my mind, how can this guy defend me when he didnt know anything at all about what happened.

Again, trusting this new society I am now in, I was confident that these people indeed knew what they were doing and that they were fair and doing things right.

Finally the day of the hearing came and had my FIRST TASTE of a bitter pill in this supposed to be fair and exemplery society.

The guy finally showed up around 30 minutes before the appointed hearing time, looked at my papers , took it and then excused for a while. He said he had to go somewhere and be back in a few minutes. He showed up again when all of us scheduled for the hearing were called to the Court.

Inside the court, I heard someone called my name and this guy Ian approached the person, and presented himself as my representative, the showed my car documents. They chatted for a minute or 2 and this guy Ian asked me to get out of the court for a few words with him.

He told me that I HAVE TO PLEA GUILTY for the School Bus offence. About the registration and insurance, the case will be drop and I wont pay any fine. For the school bus, the fine is reduced to $500 but the demerit will still be 7. I said I was told that it can be dropped to at least 5 demerit points and have the penalty reduced substantially if not waived totally.

First disgusting thing he told me was that: This court dont deal with demerits. Then he told me that I have to make up my mind because he is almost sure that I would get convicted, knowing the judge who was in-charge.

I said, you were supposed to fight and defend me. Thats what I paid you guys for, now you're asking me to plea guilty without evcen trying to defend. I told him, can we request for postponement of the hearing and be back when you are ready to defend my case. He said it will take long and might entail further cost. Then I asked, how long will it take to defend my case and eventually get a verdict. Then the guy told me that. " IT MAY TAKE FOREVER". This really got me and until now I still am haunted with the thought of how can this thing happen in a country like Canada given its reputation of being champion of human rights and democracy.

This guy appeared to be impatient, telling me that he still had other things to do and that he needed me to decide. He would leave me for a while and then come back to ask me about my decision. He did this for like 4 times until finally, I yielded with regret. I told him, about what I felt but he seemed not so concerned at all.

For me my experience was like EUTANASIA at its worst. Worst because, not only I was forced into it but also, I still had to pay this XCopper in doing so.

I still believe though, this is just one rotten egg in Canada and hope by sharing this story among my fellow Canadians, would help us preserve our beloved Canada's reputation. At the same time, this could also help as an eye-opener to new and prospective immigrants . That way, they wont fall victim to scalawags like XCopper.


1--You just have to find time booking for an appointment to hear your traffic violation in the traffic court nearest you. Hearing are often scheduled 3-6 months later depending on where you registered the appointment.

2--Come during the appointed hearing time and wait till the Court Prosecutor calls you. Or see her/ him before the hearing starts.

3--He/she will tell you, IF YOU WANT TO PLEA GUILTY, your penalty or fine will be reduced and sometimes at no demerit points.

4---PLEA GUILTY if you feel alright with that, and get a reduced fine and other incentives.You dont need a lawyer or para-legals such as XCopper just to plea guilty.

( In some traffic court hearings I observed, almost 95 percent PLEADED GUILTY but had their penalty reduced substantially. For example: one who had a penalty of $190 for not stopping on red light before a right turn, he was offered a reduced penalty of $25 and No demerit if he plead guilty)

Armando, I hope you will post my letter. At least, I could find relief thinking that by sharing this experience, I can have people become aware of what to do to fight unscrupulous entity like XCopper.

All the best

Marcial B.
Ontario, Canada"

Copyright 2008 Armando De Forres. All rights reserved

Friday, February 8, 2008

How Far Do You Know About Credit Rating

Impacts of Credit Rating
Not knowing how "Credit Rating" works and its implications on your financing transactions can cost you several thousands of dollars over time. Granting that you know, still you wont be able to escape its "claws" unless you know how to navigate the playing field laiden with heavy " mines".

Even corporations, organizations and countries regardless of size are affected by "Credit Rating" in terms of millions to billions of dollars. Not withstanding their knowledge and understanding about Credit, they still fall as hapless victims of circumstances so much so that the moment they fall, the harsher treatment they get, and the helping hand is withdrawn instead of getting extended.

I believe at this time, you'd be tempted to say--what can we do? Its been there since time immemorial., and who are we to change it?

I understand that. Thats a common reaction to expect. " That's how movies are made". Fine, but at least, let;s see the "bloopers".

A Great Human Invention
This credit rating thing is one of the many great inventions of mankind that dwell on opportunism and greed against the helpless and unsuspecting victims, and yet it is more common and widely adopted in highly developed societies of the world.

More often than not, you get hit first before you even come to know it exists, and ironically, despite the whipping, it seems we never learn because we let ourselves continue to be ignorant of its real and deep ramifications.

Do We Have The Answer?
Have you dared asked anyone to explain how those "Credit Scores" are made, or have you done sufficient research about it.

I myself have asked many people whom I thought are knowledgeable about the subject. I have spent hours and days doing research on the internet, and have visited the web sites of the so called " Credit Rating Bureaus. However, I still havent found the real answers other than knowing what goes into the scoring, what are the implications of the credit scores and a general guide on what to do to manage the scores.

What I've been looking for are the specific values of each factor that goes into the rating so much so that I would be able to do a parallel calculations of a specific "Credit Score". Example, my own score from these rating bureaus.

A Few Annoying Realities (bloopers)
  1. It is said that accessing ones credit record affects the Credit Score depending on the nature and frequency of the accesses made. That being so, why would the banks and lending institutions normally demand free and unlimited access to a prospective borrowers credit record. Worse, no one could explain exactly how much point does each particular access affect the score. ( Anyone who has the answer, please help us).
  2. Most of us may be aware now that the more access ones credit record has, the lower the credit score gets, and the lower the credit score is, the higher the interest rate that the bank and financing institution will charge. Doesnt it seem to be self-serving for the bank and financing institutions to demand free access to the credit record even just for pre-application inquiry.

    ( Note: Knowing this implication, I tried bringing a printed current report on my credit from all the credit bureaus as an alternative to opening my credit file while I was just canvassing for competitive mortgage interest rate but to no avail. I was told that it is the bank policy for them to open credit record themselves--wheow).
  3. For someone who has yet to build a Credit History, it is common for banks and financing institution to decline his/her credit application on the ground of not having enough credit record. Confident of getting a good credit as you did from where you originally came from, you continue shopping for lenders ( for credit card, line of credit, car loan or housing loan) not knowing that you are now headed to building a poor or bad Credit Record. By the time you realize it or by the time you finally find one who is willing to lend you, the interest rate you'd get would already be higher simply because the credit record you built is no longer that good. Ironical isnt it? Do you think this happens by accident, by sheer circumstance, or by some form of grand design?

Please post your comment or share your experience. It pays to know the real score as to how far we know about this monumental subject as Credit Rating or Credit Score.

Encashing of Checks With Drawee Bank : Declined

Have you ever experienced not being allowed to encash checks by the same bank where the fund is drawn? Perhaps you were declined because you didnt have an account with them. Here is one story.

Bank involved : TD Canada Trust
Date occured : Before Christmas of 2007

About two weeks before Christmas ( 2007) my 17-year old daughter was so excited about getting her first paycheck from her new employer. A week before that, she was asking me almost everyday while driving her to school, if she would be able to encash her check once she gets it. On my part, I kept on assuring her that she would, as I see no reason why she could'nt. Are you sure Dad? She always asked. And as I always answered with confidence, "Yes Baby, you will".

Finally, she got her check 4 days before Christmas. I can see how happy she was knowing that at least she still has 3 days to shop, and this is the first time in her life that she will be proudly shopping gifts with her own hard-earned money.

December 22, she asked me to drive her to Square One, a major shopping mall in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. She invited her mom to come with her so she could chose what she likes most for Christmas, but first they had to go to the bank to encash the check.

After almost an hour or two, I met my daughter with her mom. She looked so sad and teary-eyed when I asked her why. She said, the bank declined to encash her check unless she has an account with them. Since she doesnt have, the bank suggested that she opens a bank account with them so that they can encash the check. However, she wasnt told that she could'nt withdraw her money until Jan 4, 2008. Now, she said, all her plans for Christmnas was shattered, and she couldnt understand why the bank would still need to hold that money even past New Year.....Its only a little over CDN $200.

( To appease my daughter, I ended up lending her an equal amount so she could still fulfill her Christmas shopping wishes)

Case in point :
Is this really a general policy common among banks ( in Canada or elsewhere)
If so, do you think it is fair? If you think it is not fair, what do you think should we do? At least saying something and be counted would be a first step.

Please post your comment or suggestions. Should you have similar experience, please let us know.

I have similar other experiences to be posted which prove that a little knowledge and little more time to fight for your right make difference.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

What I Want To Accomplish With Bloopers Patrol

Simply put, my vision is to propagate Bloopers Patrol as a strong vehicle for real "right advocacies" across many fronts.

In The Beginning
It started as an auditor's daydream one day when I thought - what would it be if auditors would really be as good as they ought to be, and that they can sincerely talk about what they see or find in their audits.

Another dream went by. What would it be if accountants would really cooperate and trust the auditors instead of withholding informations for fear and self-presevation.

As I began to figure out the implications of affirmative answers to the above questions, I can only think of two things: nightmare and inspiration.

Nightmare in terms of the magnitude of corporate and organizational malpractices that can be exposed, and inspiration, thinking that there is something great that we can do, and that it is possible. ( I will further elaborate on these two things in subsequent posting)

Moving Along
Through the years that I'd been doing audits and travels from less developed to highly developed countries in the world, it was not unusual for me to experience or witness things that are happening in so much different way than what can be reasonably expected in a noble society. In the end, the consequences lie heavily on the hapless victims --the ordinary consumers, ordinary employees, or ordinary people.

To add insult to injury, it is ironical that in highly developed or so called advanced countries where rights advocacy is supposed to be strong and working well, loopholes are smartly plugged so much so that what may have been unfair, unreasonable or unjust in the first place, had already been backed up by regulations or laws thereby making them legalized. ( I will highlight my experiences one by one as well as those of others that I have witnessed ).

For the time being, I can share with you that these experiences are in the areas of : insurance, medical, banking and financing, employment , regulatory fees and fines, taxation, and commerce and trade, to name a few.

My Resolve
It would be a horenduous task to even attempt to fight and influence a change in practices specially when it has already gained wide acceptance like a gospel truth or that it has already the backing of laws and regulations borne out of well-entrenched lobbying and politics. I however believe in people's empowerment, and it is just a matter of how well we mobilize and use this Power of the People to assert their basic rights.

In my dream, I was hoping Bloopers Patrol could provide one vehicle for asserting peoples rights at the very place where abuse or transgression take place-In the mall, in the bank, in corporate offices or while on a phone call with insurance representatives.

What would it be like when you're confronted with unfair treatment or unreasonable transactions, and you have a Bloopers Patrol Membership ID to show.

What would it be like if Bloopers Patrol would gain worldwide recognition close to the level of Humane Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals- afterall, we're talking about humans.

In my dream, it was possible. Can it be real ? I believe so.

It is thus far my resolve that, with the advent in information technology, particularly the internet, cause-oriented programs such as mine have closer chance to be real than it was decades ago, and therefore it is possible.

Hope you could join me in sharing your wealth of experiences .

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Welcome to my Blog : The Bloopers Patrol

Bloopers Patrol would be a vehicle in capturing issues and concerns affecting our daily lives. In a subtle way, we will bring sensitive issues to fore, primarily for information purpose only. Nothing however, can prevent us from ventilating issues and concerns for further action if the effects are debilitating to people, and the affected people are significant enough to be ignored. For example, you got fired simply because a new manager came in, and he was just trying create a "first impression" or that he just would like to show he is the new boss. In another example, you got technically robbed by a traffic service outfit that you believed will help you reduced fines and penalties from traffic violations etc.

Why blooper? Well, id like to delve into the similarity of what bloopers are in movie or in tv making. With bloopers, we see that even well-admired, talented and famous actors and actresses are also bound to make mistakes, and often, we see it to be funny. Also, bloopers can attest that behind the frontal beauty of a movie or film that were made, be it a multi-awarded one or not, are human errors and mistakes that affirm the fact that no one is infallible.

In Bloopers Patrol, we will draw similarities in terms of affirming that no one or nothing is perfect. Peoples and organizations are not infallible and they have their own frailties that even behind those successful peoples, organizations, and enterprises; even behind those well-admired communities and societies; and even behind those advanced countries that have gained the reputation of being fair, humane and best places to live are errors, mistakes and shortcomings that make life much less easier than we think.

In a more serious tone, we will adopt the use of "Bloopers" in the whole context of this blog, as behind- the- scene realities that confront our daily lives, making it more complicated than we want life to be or making it much less easier than what we believe it should be. Behind-the- scene realities that we feel different from what we believe are right or those that we feel are simply not fair or reasonable.

Through sharing, I hope we can draw as much bloopers as we could specially those that had been so ingrained already in our minds that we no longer question their fairness, equity and reasonableness, or that which we already unconsciously accepted as facts of life that we must accept simply because we believe there is'nt anything that we can do about it, anymore.

Name Top 5 Advocacy Areas You Find More Pressing To Act